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What to Do After an Automobile Accident

When one's involved in an automobile accident, their first instinct could be to panic. It's the nature of humans to be in a bit of confusion or panic after a traumatic incident. In a state of panic, your thinking is not as clear as it should be, so it becomes difficult to make the right choices to get you the strongest case. By staying cool, calm and collected, you'll create the strongest possible base for your case after an accident. Here are some issues to bear in mind.

Get all information

This is possibly the most important part of building a case for your automobile accident attorney Thompson Law Firm, no matter what happens at the accident scene. In some cases, an accident victim can be quite flustered that they don't even remember to write down the other driver's details, leaving both the attorney and insurance company in a fix when it comes to pursuing a case. Regardless of what has happened, record all of the information at the accident scene.

Keep mum

Keep in mind that whatever you say at the accident scene may work against you. Do not make any statements to anyone you're unfamiliar with about what occurred beyond the most basic facts. Don't even try to cheer someone up as your words can come back to haunt you if your case proceeds to trial. 

If you try to calm down the other driver by saying that the damage isn't as extensive as it seems, their insurance provider can use that statement to try and reduce your claim. At the scene of the accident, be truthful at all times, but don't provide any unnecessary statements or information that you're totally not sure about. The right time to describe everything is when meeting with your lawyer.

Most importantly, stay calm

This point is very crucial that it can never be overemphasized. When you get into an accident, stay calm. If you begin to panic, you might say something without thinking through it that can damage your claim later on. Other negatives that can result from losing your cool include inadvertently creating an unreceptive witness or starting a fight. Any of these may not convince the judge to believe your side of the story, or get you the settlement or verdict that you're aiming for.

When involved in automobile accident, don't make the situation worse so your automobile accident attorney can create a solid case and win it for you. 


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